Sunday, November 26, 2017

We're Baaaaack!!

 Whew!  We haven't blogged in a looooong time!  We were having some technical difficulties way back in September and then mom never bothered to figure them out until inspiration struck her tonight and we are back on line.  Woot woot!!
So. Because we have so very much to report on, it's going to be a bunch of picture and not a lot of comment.  But enjoy!

We'll start back in September when mom when back to St. Louis for her 25 year college reunion.  So awesome to see all these ladies again.  PT school was a special kind of hell and they were each others support.  It was a fantastic weekend!

 The obligatory Budweiser brewery tour with free beer at the end...

 The Cheryl Cavallo Annual 5K Hustle for Your Health, sponsored by the Physical Therapy School

 The obligatory visit to Ted Drewes- can't miss it!

 Hanging with the President of St. Louis U.  Felt a little bad that we were all so stinky from the 5K

 Michelle and Heidi snagging a plate of appetizers at the reunion- crazy I tell you!

 The magnificent 6.  So much history, so much fun!

 The view from the reunion venue- perfect!

 One more fun picture.

 Cousin time in Pine Top.

 Dad waiting on mom to catch up.  Not really- we were all resting from the hard ride.  Not really either!

 Mom and dad post ride- all smiles!

 Putt putt action in Pine Top

 Mom and dad finishing up their ride.

 Mon won!  Not really.

 Me and Isabel on a girl's day out.

 Downtown Tucson getting ready for Halloween.

 Sharing a frappucino with mom.

 Mom made an apple pie.

 Grandparent's Day at school.

Ginger saw a squirrel.....

 Mom ventured out to happy hour with her co-workers.

We took Ella camping- it was super fun!!

 Ginger dressed up for Halloween- Devil Dog

 Me dressed up.

More of me dressed up.

 My first night of trick or treating without adult supervision- it was pretty spectacular!

 Mr. Walker grew his own pumpkins this year!

 Dad and Ginger had a loooong week.

 Between game dinner break with the Thundercats.

 Spirit Week at school- first up was duct tape day.

 Then was "twins day".  We were fraternal triplets.

 The fall end of season tournament.

 Getting our third place medals in the tournament.

 Pictures from my photography club's trip to San Xavier Mission- pretty cool!

 5th Annual Thanksgiving Campout!

 Christmas decorating in the bag!

 Thanksgiving.  Round 2!

 Grandpa Vern's teeny tiny piece of pumpkin pie.

Have a great week!

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