Monday, March 7, 2016

More Catching Up

We know how excited and anxious everyone is to hear about mom's ankle ( I know I am!!) but in our rush to get the blog up last week, we neglected to post anything about the most important event on our calendar in February- 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo.  A little refresher.  This is a mountain bike race for crazy people that starts at noon on Saturday and goes until noon on Sunday and you ride as many laps as you can in that 24 hours.  It's actually a pretty popular race and lots of fun if you like that kind of stuff.  Dad and Mr. Walker and few of their friends do like that kind of stuff so they have a big boys weekend of riding, drinking beer and sitting around with 5000 other people for 4 days. ( Why 4 days you ask, when the race is only Saturday and Sunday?  Because.  That's most of the fun is going out early, getting a good spot and then riding, drinking beer and sitting around!)  Nana and mom and I went out the first year and it was interesting but if you aren't riding, it isn't quite as much fun so now, we have a girls weekend involving eating, shopping and sleeping in.  The race is always over Valentine's Day weekend so this year, I wrangled Nana into helping me put together 34 Valentine's Day cards for my class party.

We also hit the Gem and Mineral Show where I bought lots of good stuff, we went to a Valentine's Day party that one of my class mates had and it turns out, her Grandma is from Cleveland too so she and Nana had lots to talk about.
It was a fun weekend for everyone- the boys didn't win any medals but everyone came back uninjured and happy so that is all we can ask for!

Now, onto this week.  My softball practice started on Tuesday and our team looks like it may actually win a few games this year.  All my off season practice seemed to pay off and coach was impressed by the progress I made over the past few months.  Should be a fun season.

OK- now what you've all been waiting for- mom's ankle.  It was dark, the street was uneven and a car was coming.  So, she moved to get off the road and REALLY got off the road.  After doing her body scan to make sure nothing had fallen off, she hobbled home.  Dad got her an ice pack, I made her breakfast and then we headed off to work.

Thankfully, she works with some really good PTs who got her K-taped up and she made it through the day.

This was Friday morning.  She was tried to lay low but between doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, lunch etc. it was a long day........

So this was Saturday morning.  Mom decided at that point to park her a@# on the couch all day.  Contrary to popular belief, this isn't her favorite way to spend the day but it felt pretty good.  That night, she had a mom's night out at a local beer garden that she organized so that couldn't be missed.  Turns out that laying around all day and then drinking beer is a pretty good prescription for an ankle sprain because she woke feeling not terrible on Sunday!  Still some swelling and a little limp but doing OK.

 Dad went out for a mountain bike ride on Sunday and the boys came over after for a couple of hours for a post-ride hang out which is always a fun time.  Then grandpa and grandma came over and got us some dinner so it was a nice, relaxing Sunday.  Back to the grind tomorrow- woot woot....

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