So we are sitting on our back patio, swimming, doing the blog and listening to the reports of tornados in our old neighborhood in Denver. We are once again happy to be back in Tucson!
We will just jump right into things here- I have a lot to report!
We had a nice three day weekend last weekend at Aravaipa Canyon. It is about 3 hours from our house and the only perennial stream running in Arizona. The Nature Conservancy owns an old ranch house on the banks of the creek and we stayed there with three other families and had a fabulous time.
Mom was all excited because we had to cross the creek several times to get to the cabin- exactly the thing her Subi was designed for. This was much better than driving in snow drifts. Yee-haw!
We got there around 2 and made a bee-line for the creek where we spent hours and hours trying to catch minnows, tadpoles and gross things that looked like giant water ticks. Those grossed mom out completely and somehow, our pail full of gross water things got "accidentally" knocked over in the night. Hmmmmmm.
These are the ladies out enjoying their wine....
while the boys are in the kitchen whipping up dinner and enjoying their beer. All was right with the world!
On Saturday, we managed to get everyone rounded up and out the door for a hike. This hike is almost all in the stream which was absolutely perfect because it was 96 degrees. The water made everything better.
Dad even found this cool cave opening for us to check out....
We got back early Sunday afternoon- just in time for dad to pack up for his first work trip since we moved back. This trip was to Dallas which is awesomely close compared to Norway. Dad was talking to some of his old co-workers in Denver and since we've left, they have been to Norway twice and Australia once. We're feeling like we dodged a bullet on those.
My last day of school was last Friday and it was a fun day. We said all our goodbyes, made plans to see each other over the summer and then ran off on our merry way.
Here are some more pictures of Devil Dog, Ginger. We seem to be making some progress- mom hasn't had any fits in the last two weeks and Devil Dog, Ginger seems to be settling down a bit. We have had fewer days when mom wants to hang a sign around Ginger's neck that says "Free to a good home" and put her on the corner and more days when she thinks we might actually keep her. She is kind of cute...
We took her to a "puppy kindergarten" on Sunday where she got to play like a mad woman with other puppies her age. It wore her out for the rest of the day, which is always a good thing!
So now- the important stuff! Me! And my birthday! On Sunday, I officially turned 8! I had my friend Lily spend the night and we went to Pinnacle Peak for steak, then to play miniature golf and finally home for cake. Mom and I found this awesome Kit Kat Cake and ordered it for my birthday. It is a two layer chocolate cake with Kit Kats all around and mini M&Ms on top. It was delicious but even dad may have met his match when it come to chocolate. It was a little over the top but totally worth it.