Another week in the books and we are tired as usual. Softball season is exhausting! Last Sunday, some girls from my softball team headed out to watch the UofA Women's Softball play Oregon. It was my first live softball game ever and it was pretty cool. Except that it was really hot- 100 degrees to be exact. But I really enjoyed it and I actually wanted to sit and watch the game. Danielle O'Toole is the starting pitcher for the Wildcats and we got to watch her warm up, standing literally 10 feet away. There is a lot of power in those pitchers- pretty amazing and I think I might be a teensy bit inspired.
This past Friday, we went to the Pima County Fair with the Goods. It was great fun as usual and thank goodness Ms. Audrey likes to go on the crazy rides because mom and dad sure won't.
My main goal of the evening, besides riding all the twirly rides I could, was to get a selfie with a llama. Mission accomplished.... Don't you love his teeth??!!
The other fun thing that came out of the fair was this cool "thing", for lack of a better word. You supposedly can blow it up by just running and letting the air fill it up. Not quite that easy and we ended up using the gas powered leaf blower to fluff it up. It sure is comfy though.
Saturday night, we had another round of softball games. We lost the first one in true Crusher fashion, 8-1. There were a few flashes of good playing but it was mostly just us looking bad. The second game was different story- we didn't actually play all that well but the other team's pitching fell apart so we took advantage of it and it was great! We have now won two whole games and are on a roll. 4 more left until play offs.
After the game, I had my friends Ella and Isabel spend the night. Here's how it worked- because of the way the duct work is set up in our house, mom and dad can hear everything from my room in their room. It normally doesn't matter but when I have friends spend the night, it doesn't work so well for mom and dad to be violently woken by 11 year old girl squeals all night long. So to solve that, dad went and slept in the RV, mom slept in guest room on the opposite side of the house and us girls took over mom and dad's room. It was a pretty sweet deal and I've already decided that's how it should be every time. We ate popcorn, watched a movie and I told mom that we had lights out by 1:30, which isn't terrible really.
Today was Nana's birthday- we didn't get to celebrate with her but sent happy thoughts her way!
And finally, we had another new visitor. Mom found him in the crook of our big oak tree out back. He's got a cute face, really. We named him Jeff. We think he hangs out with Frank and Alice, our resident raccoons.
That's it for us- have a great week!