Sunday, December 11, 2016

Aaaaaahhhh! It's Almost Christmas!!

 Now that Thanksgiving has past us by, the craziness of Christmas has started!  We're kind of tired already but will soldier on.
It started last Friday with my school's annual Christmas show.  The 5th grade choir sang 5 different songs and we sounded pretty awesome.  As soon as that was over, I head home with Ella for a sleep over.  Mom and dad headed up to the Ritz Carlton for a Raytheon work event.  It was a nice night all around.

On Saturday, everyone enjoyed a slow start to the day.  Mom and dad headed out for brunch and then mom met me and the Healy's at the Christmas Tree lot.  Mrs. Healy warned mom that her family experiences "Christmas Tree Lot Meltdown" every. single. year.  She was hoping to avoid it this year but with three sleep deprived kids (me, Ella and her brother) it wasn't looking good.  None of us kids liked the first lot.  It just wasn't Christmassy enough and tree were super expensive.  I got ticked at mom when she refused to pay $100 for a tree.  She offered to take back some of my presents in exchange but I didn't like that idea so much.  We decided to head to another lot and it was sooo much better.  They had hot chocolate.  Need I say more?  We found a nice tree for a decent price AND it supported a good cause.  Win win win!

This is me, Ella and her little brother on the way to the Christmas tree lot.

We managed to get our tree up and the outside lights done and all our other Christmas decorations up and then we had dad use his secret hidden talent to do some chalkboard art for the season.  Pretty good, right?

And to make it all the more better, it was cold enough for a few days that mom actually broke out the hot chocolate.   And then made me pose with it before I could drink it.  Because she needed something to post on Instagram.

This past weekend was pretty quiet.  I spent the night at my friend Claire's house on Friday and then on Saturday, our choir performed at the Tucson Botanical Gardens and then I got to run around with my friends while the adults socialized and it was a really fun night.  Unfortunately, I woke up at 4:15AM to toss my cookies and have been kind of down and out for most to the day so it has been pretty quiet.  Hope everyone has a fabulous week!