So, every time mom thinks she's ready to give up on my blog, she starts to feel guilty and sad. So she is going to do another post but no promises on regular updates. Deal?
We need to go aaaalllll the way back to Mother's Day this time around. All mom ever really wants is to not be "in charge" for her day. Dad and I made sure she didn't have to do anything. We started with breakfast. I knew she would want eclairs, chocolate covered strawberries and fruit salad so that's what we got her. We all loved, loved it. We spent the rest of the laying around the pool being lazy. Grandma Sue came over for dinner that dad and I (mostly dad) whipped up and it was a good day.
After Mother's Day came my birthday. This wasn't just any birthday. This was my double digit birthday. I am now 10- I think that makes me a tween. It was a pretty spectacular week. It was the last week of school and we had our class party at the local tennis and swim club (not as fancy as it sounds) on my actual birthday so that was pretty fantastic and then for my party I invited all the girls in my class for foot golf and swimming at our club. You play foot golf on the actual golf course with a soccer ball. We had a great time running around the course and screaming like 10 year old girls. It was exhausting fun.
Now, we're getting a little out of order. This is me and Grandma Sue on Mother's Day. I treated her to a ride around the 'hood in our golf cart.
The weekend before my birthday extravaganza, Nana D and Mr. Walker came out for a visit. It was the week of my school play and my last softball game of the regular season. No visit would be complete with my golf cart tour, so I head out with Mr. Walker and Nana. Everyone survived.
My school play was downtown so we all headed down early and went to eat at a really good local restaurant called Brother John's Barbecue, Bourbon and Brew. You know it had to be good with that combo- and it was. We all left fat and happy, even me. After that we headed to a little place that is all old school pin ball machines. It was super fun and dad and I are truly pin ball wizards. I would totally go back there.
The next day, we headed out early to my softball game and then came home to play some golf. Everyone slept pretty hard that night but it was good fun.
The next week was our league championship tournament for softball. There are only two teams in my league and the other team isn't very good so we beat them and took the title of league champs. We had an amazing team of girls this year. Everyone was so supportive of each other and fun. It was a really great season. Being league champs earned us the right to play in the city tournament. We did OK there and came in third overall so that wasn't too shabby, huh?
Back on schedule here- here is my actual birthday morning. I'm 10!!
The first weekend in June, we headed up to Show Low for camping and to see Grandpa Vern. It was beautiful up there and we spent a ton of time in the water canoeing, stand-up paddling, swimming and fishing. We always love it up there.
We celebrated Father's Day pretty similar to the way we celebrated Mother's Day. Dad headed out early for some golf with his fellow dad, Brian. We made him dinner and he had his beer and all was good.
It has been a teensy bit warm here but we are surviving- dad bought a Yeti can cooler for his beer and mom makes watermelon cocktails and we sit by the pool and are pretty darn satisfied.
And then there this. Mom's good friend Heidi made her, yes MADE, macarons. Not those coconut cookies that any 5 year old can make but real life, complicated macarons. She then had them shipped specially to mom and they arrived in perfect condition. Slight crunch on the outside, chewy on the inside and deeeelicious!
Aaaaaannddd- finally. Because I've really grown to love softball, I decided I wanted to play All-Stars for Tanque Verde. It was two weeks of 5 day a week practice (one of which I missed because I was sick) and then games. The only draw back was that all of games were about an hour from our house and they were late games. We didn't get to bed until 11 after two of the games. As a team, we were eliminated pretty quickly but I played pretty dang well. I pitched better than I have in a while, had some nice hits and some really nice plays in the field. All in all, it was a successful venture and another great group of girls.
Since several of the girls on my team live in the neighborhood, we had a little post All-Stars gathering at the club. Mom and dad had a great time getting to know the parents a little better. And because I'm 10, I just had a great time.
Saturday night, I had a bit of a break through friend wise. A few of the softball girls stopped by on their scooters, rang our door bell and asked if I could come out with them. Mom and dad looked at each other, looked at me and said "Be home by dark". It was so very Norman Rockwell and exactly why we moved into this neighborhood.
On Sunday, dad and I hung out around the house while mom headed out to meet a friend for lunch. Apparently she had pistachio buttermilk waffles with honey and ricotta that were amazing. She came home a happy camper.
We are now all caught up- I have been doing swim team for the last several weeks and I have my first meet this week. We'll see how that goes.......
Signing off for now with no promises......