Well, my goodness. This has been a whirlwind of a few weeks. Two weeks off of school and work went by in a flash and we were pretty busy. When last we left you dear readers, mom and dad were in the middle of an exhaustion coma from all the socializing they had to do. Well, the trend continued as they decided to see Star Wars again on Tuesday (just as good the second time around!) and then Foo Foo's birthday was Wednesday and we left bright and early Thursday to get to Albuquerque for Christmas. The weather driving out was good- a little windy but nothing much else. For the ride back, we left extra bright and early and managed to stay ahead of the nasty storm that shut all the highways down. Good planning for us. The time in between was filled mostly with food. And a little bit of family. Nana D made Foo Foo his requested chicken and waffles for his birthday dinner with cheesecake for desert. Everyone left the table fat and happy. Foo Foo played around with his newly learned camera skills and took some nice shots.
This one is probably mom's favorite of the whole season!
On Christmas Eve, mom and dad both got in nice workouts- mom got a great run in the snow and dad got in a nice mountain bike ride. I got some quality time on the iPad. Oh. And with Nana and Mr. too. After all that exercising, dad and I headed down to Dave and Busters for awhile and mom and Nana stayed home and baked some more cookies and ate said cookies. After a quick mass (the priests at this church really know how to hustle us in and out and we weren't complaining about it!) we headed to Uncle Adam and Aunt Erin's house for Christmas Eve posole and tamales. I was adventurous and stuck with a tasty quesadilla. I eventually convinced everyone it was time to go home, because you know, Santa! Mr. Walker and I made sure to get the cookies out AND reindeer food. I'm thinking not many kids remember the reindeer so I was hoping for extra brownie points.

We don't really have any pictures from Christmas morning as it was barely controlled chaos but it does seem that the reindeer food worked. I walked away with much more than necessary but you won't see me complaining. It was a very great Christmas and it went way too fast. For me and mom anyway.......
We got back into town on Sunday and mom went back to work on Monday while dad and I stayed home and "relaxed". Between me having to finish up both a science fair project (mom's new least favorite thing) and an Arizona State project and all of dad's errands, we didn't have a lot of down time. Whew.
On New Year's Eve, mom and dad continued the socialization torture and hosted a New Year's Eve party at our house. They seriously thought they could convince everyone to leave by 9 so they could get a good night's sleep but no one took the hint and everyone hung in there until midnight. The good news is that the house was empty by 12:22 and we were all in bed by 1.
The other good news is that we went camping on New Year's Day for the weekend. Mom's New Year's Day tradition is to be well rested (didn't happen this year) and to be outside (did happen this year). We took our RV to Parker Canyon Lake with our framily, the Goods. They just bought a new towable trailer and were anxious to try it out. It was spectacular. A little on the chilly side all weekend but clear blue skies, beautiful scenery and quiet. We had wonderful time and came back rested and ready to start the new year!
Dad and I took our inflatable canoe out for a spin even though it was only 55 degrees and found some really cool coves in the lake. We would totally come back to this spot.
A full week of back to school and work for everyone this past week but we managed OK. I had a friend sleep over on Saturday and guess how late we were up? Go on! Guess! 3:45 AM! Good. Ness. Surpizingly, I'm still standing and too cranky. Mom took me to see Riverdance this afternoon too and I managed to stay awake through the whole thing. It will be an early bed time for all of us though! Have a great week and we'll catch you on the flip side!