Whew- this was a looooong week. Everybody was tired but no one was especially cranky so that was a good thing. We had a weekend of fun, new stuff to make for a boring week.
On Friday, we ventured out to the west side of town to try a new camp ground and it was gorgeous. The camp ground is west of the Tucson Mountains and our camp site had gorgeous views of them AND it was a little cloudy so we were treated with an amazing sunset. Mom and I took a little hike to take in all the cool geography and cactus. I was pretty confident that if I had my mountain bike, I could totally shred the trail we were hiking on. It was pretty rough so mom wasn't quite as sure about my ability. We didn't bring my bike so we'll never know who was right.....
The only draw back to weekend was how cold it got- all the way down to 38 degrees. Good thing we have our winter parkas. Oh. And our heater.

We headed home Saturday morning and mom decided it was time to pick some of our blood oranges. We planted this tree 10 bazillion years ago and this is the first year we actually got any oranges. We got a lot of oranges- 10! We picked two and they were very tasty. It's always fun to eat stuff right from your own back yard.
After the excitement of the oranges, we headed out to buy some new furniture. Our current sofa and recliner are looking pretty tired- a few chips, a few stains, a few fabric tears, some imbedded dog hair. You know- 12 year old furniture. We ended up buying this black leather couch (mom insisted on leather- something about kids, dogs, unholy messes, etc.) and a cool chair. We don't have a picture of the chair because it is special order but take my word for it- it's a cool chair.
To round out our "new stuff" weekend, mom made some chocolate chip cookies from a new recipe. It was made with a stout beer. They taste pretty good ( beer-duh!) but are pretty crumbly so I don't think this will make it into our dessert rotation.
Hope everyone has a fun week full of new stuff!