Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mish Mash

 We're going to be reaching a little bit for fun and exciting things to report on this week....
One thing we neglected to report in the excitement of the past few weeks was Rich's amazing makeover of Jordan's room while we were in Ohio.  If you've ever had the  misfortune, honor of staying in Jordan's room on a visit to us, you will probably remember the colossal nightmare that it was.  Crap everywhere, with no place to walk, let alone sleep.  She seems to have inherited a few of my hoarding tendencies :(.  Anyway, Rich spent his one free weekend doing a complete makeover of her room.  He moved the tons and tons of toys out of her room and they now exist in 3 enormous bins in the garage, he painted (with glitter paint even), he stained old furniture, he bought new furniture, he bought new sheets, he organized, he hung stuff.  And the result is an awesome room that we can now walk in.  Jordan loves it and it has stayed clean for two weeks now!  Yeah!

So onto our week.  It was pretty quiet which is kind of nice during the week.  We had a fun weekend with a daddy/kid campout at our favorite campground.  They managed to cram 7, count them 7 people into the RV and apparently, it didn't smell too bad at the end of the trip....
They had a great time and the moms left behind had an equally fun time.  I met up with Christina for dinner and a movie.  We discovered that the first thing we wanted to do with an empty house was to clean it. So both of us spent our free morning cleaning toilets and floors.  How pathetic is that?  But it is nice to have a clean house for 12 hours.

I spent Sunday morning going for a long run, taking Ginger for a long walk, making pork ragu and a chicken pot pie.  Rich and Jordan got home about noon and we spent the rest of the day relaxing.
We found a show on wolves to watch and Ginger was very interested in it and spent a good 5 minutes just watching the boob tube, probably planning her next hunting expedition.

Hope you have a fabulous week!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Halloween's Coming!

We're going to start off this week's blog by apologizing for the picture quality.  Mom took our old point and shoot camera on our adventure today and had it in the wrong setting so she took some bad pictures.....I guess some pictures are better than no pictures.

We had a quiet week of the usual stuff.  Ginger's "Good Canine Citizen" class on Monday (There's a test at the end of this one and mom does not have high hopes for our little monkey), softball practice Tuesday and Thursday and our annual trip to the allergist.  
Saturday was a good day though.  I had a softball game on Saturday morning.  I didn't pitch this week but I had some good hits and some good fielding so it was an overall positive outcome.

In the afternoon, my good friends Max and Claire had their birthday party.  Their mom rented an enormous water slide called......The Big Kahuna.  That is about all I need to say.  A gaggle of 8 and 9 year olds and a slide called The Big Kahuna is a recipe for amazing fun.  Mom could not drag me out of there.  I had a great, great time!

On Sunday, mom took me and my friend Lily down to Amado, Arizona to go pumpkin picking.  This was better than last year's trip to the Pumpkin Parking Lot down the street but still no Denver pumpkin picking.  We had a great time any way.  The was a petting zoo, tire swings, a pumpkin patch with store bought pumpkins planted around, beautiful weather and beautiful scenery.  Lily and I had a great time and came home with some huge pumpkins.

(These are not the huge pumpkins- mom was just looking for a photo op.)

After lunch at Beyond Bread and desert at Dairy Queen, we dropped Lily off and came home to take a nap.  We were treated to a nice afternoon of cool temperatures (67 degrees!), thunder and rain.  Dad made us a nice steak dinner and we are all fat and happy now.  A great way to wrap up our weekend.  See you next weekend! (Maybe)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our Last Two Weeks

We have a busy, fun two weeks and because it's semi-late on Sunday night, we're going to give our adventures in pictures.  They are in no particular order because it is too much work to arrange them correctly.  And it's semi-late on Sunday night.  So, without further ado....

Jordan and Grandma- Jordan is gaining on her!

Finley Lake near Grandma's house has a big Halloween celebration every year.  Everyone that is camping for the weekend decorates their campsites with some amazing scenes.  With the fall colors too, it made all very Halloweeny.

We spent some time at Lake Erie.  It was dang cold and mom is reminded again how much she dislikes anything below 70 degrees.

Back on Grandma's farm, we enjoyed the fall colors, a walk through the corn fields and the fall weather (not really...)

Mom and her cousins Heather, Shea and Elaine ran in the Wellington Run For Your Life 10K.  They went as the Dairy Princesses.  Mom smoked the competition and came in first in her age group.  She beat a whole three other women but it earned her a medal!  Woot Woot!

We then had a bunch of family converge on Grandma's and had a great time catching up.  Mom and I got home about 11 on Sunday and have been recovering.

Onto our next adventure- which was actually the weekend before our Ohio weekend.  We headed up to Pinetop Arizona and met Nana, Mr. Walker and some other friends for the tour of White Mountains mountain bike race.  It was an amazingly gorgeous weekend and tons of fun.

Nana recovering from her car accident 10 days earlier- she was a trooper.

The girls watching the finish line.

Dad crossing the finish line- it was a hard 50 miles and he earned his beer.

The tired crew after some good riding.

Mr. Walker crossing the finish line.  He earned his beer too!

So that's it- hope you have a great week!