Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winter is Finally Here:(

We have had such a mild winter here this year that I think Tucson has gotten more snow than us so far. I think this week has changed all that though and gave us a sharp reminder that yes, we do live in Colorado and yes, it is February.  We will get into all of that in a minute.
I had a nice long 4 day weekend and on Monday, mom and I spent the afternoon at Monster Mini Golf.  It is a really cool indoor, glow in the dark mini golf place.  We had an awesome time.  We thought for sure we were going to have a 5 day weekend with a snow day on Tuesday but dang it, we didn't even get a delay.  What we did get was 6" of snow.  I was incredibly disappointed I had to go to school and spent the morning taking it out on mom.  It was a day she was happy to drop me off at school!   The snow was really pretty and we did got a picture of a lone coyote wandering around the open space behind our house.   

I was in a better mood when we got home in the afternoon so mom and I got some snow painting in and besides being bitterly cold, we had fun and made some cool designs.

The rest of the week was pretty quiet but dad and I had a fabulous weekend!  Mom was in a class to learn how to stick needles into people to make them feel better (I don't get it either) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so it was some intense, quality father/daughter time.
On Friday, we went out to dinner and headed to Target to buy another Skylander.
On Saturday, dad and I were going non-stop from sun up to sun down.  We started the morning at Snooze for breakfast and then headed to the Natural History Museum to see the mammoth exhibit.

 (We took this picture in front of the Sonoran Desert diorama for old time's sake)
After that, we headed to Dave and Buster's where I managed to win yet another gigantic snake.  I picked a red one this time.  It goes fabulous with my green one.  We finally got home and everyone collapsed into bed.

Sunday was a quiet day inside watching the blizzard blow in.  We did manage to get in a little sledding but the wind was blowing so much that it got snow in our eyes and we had to turn around.  I think we ended up getting over a foot of snow and it was nice that it was on a Sunday so we could enjoy it.  Mom also didn't mind it so much because it gave her a chance to test out her new Subaru and it was great!  We are still hoping for  snow day on Monday though....

Have a happy, safe week!  Stay warm!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cautiously Optimistic

Well, here we are- seven days without germs.  We aren't quite sure what to do with ourselves.
We had a pretty good week with it being Valentine's Day and all.  We had a pretty good day-  Dad made me special Valentine's pancakes for breakfast, served on Mom's award winning plate.  We had a party at school and I came home with tons of candy, which had mom really excited too.

I had my Daisy Scout meeting Thursday night and we went swimming.  It was a perfect night for it since it was snowing and sleeting all day.  Nothing better than a good swim on a freezing night.  We came home to a romantic dinner of grilled cheese.  Mom loved it because she didn't have to make it.  The only bummer of the whole day was the fact that both Mom and Dad gave up sweets for Lent, so they just lived vicariously through me.  Dad had the crazy idea of giving both sweets AND beer but mom put the kabash on that one.  That would be just no fun.

Friday night, we went out to dinner but we were home and in our jammies by 6:45 and it was good.  As if that wasn't enough, we all slept in until past 7 Saturday morning.  It was just crazy around here.
After a run for mom, a ride for dad, we headed down to the state history museum.  It is brand new and is pretty cool with lots of technology to play with.

We got to superimpose ourselves onto a yearbook from 1918 and dad ended up as best dressed and mom was class clown.....

 I was voted best farmer- it's in my blood you know

 Mom and I got to drive a Model T

We got home just in time for me to head out to our troop's Cookie Booth Sale.  We parked it in front of King Sooper's and managed to sell 77 boxes of cookies on a Saturday night.

 Our time slot was 6PM to 9PM and we started getting a little slap happy toward the end but we all had a great night.

Sunday was an amazingly lazy day- mom and I literally did not get our of our pajamas until 2 in the afternoon.  (We spent a lot of time in our jammies this weekend but it was on purpose, so that is OK).  We did finally make it out of the house to go swimming and then headed home for dinner and a movie. So all in all, not a very exciting weekend but it was still good- no germs!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Germs Be Gone! Please?

Oh my dear Lord- can we please be done with the illnesses?  I think in our last post, we knocked on wood because we were finally feeling better after two weeks of the flu.  Well.  That was a bit premature.  We actually did feel better for a week and had a decent week.  I had swim lessons, Girl Scouts and then we headed out Friday night for our weekly Family Night Out.  Everything was going well, we had plans for an actual adventure on Saturday and everything.  Then mom had to go and ruin everything.  She went to bed Friday night feeling a little weird and woke up Saturday with a full blown stomach virus.  It was one of those that leaves you laying on the bathroom floor begging for the good Lord to take you away right now.  (He didn't, fortunately).  She was quarantined to her room so Dad and I spent the day running ice chips up to her, holding our breath and not touching anything.  Mom was better Sunday which is a good thing because she had to work!  Yeah!  So it was another Daddy/Daughter day.  Oh yeah, it was Superbowl Sunday and we watched that but, eh, it was just ok.  So, mom continued her slow recovery during the week and just as she was hitting full stride, Dad got sick.  Again.  He has been banished to the guest room.  Again.  On the positive side, it wasn't the stomach thing mom had, just a cold.  And on another positive side, I seem to have missed out on all of it.  But we learned our lesson and are not knocking on any wood.

We a little snow storm on Monday night and woke up to the most beautiful scene Tuesday morning.  It was the heavy, wet snow that sticks to everything.  The sky was brilliant blue and the mountains were pure white- just gorgeous.  And the best part?  The roads were clear so we could really enjoy it.

We made it to Friday and even though Dad still wasn't on his A game, we headed to Dave and Buster's because it was my night to pick our restaurant.  It was a mighty good choice because I won a ton of tickets which means I got another really cool prize!  I managed to get a giant snake to go with my giant Scooby!  The snake was much easier to get into the car but that doesn't make her any less cool......

On Saturday, we spent the day disinfecting the house.  Since we had either been working or sick for the past 5 weeks, things were pretty germy.  We all worked hard and I'm sure we are much healthier for it.  After that, we hit Costco and the grocery store.  It was another stellar day.  Mom did venture out Saturday night for a mom's night out with some friends and that was pretty awesome for her.  Dad and I stayed home and went to bed early.

Sunday, mom and I made Valentine's cake pops or cake blobs as we like to call them.  In the end, it doesn't matter what they look like, only what they taste like.  And they tasted good!

In the afternoon, mom and I went to a friend's house for a jewelry party and now we are watching "Journey to the Center of the Earth".  For the 5th time.  I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!

A little side note-  at my last Daisy meeting, we went to a "paint your own" pottery studio.  Mom decided she wanted to join the fun and painted the plate below.  We went to pick up our creations today and much to mom's amazement, her plate was selected to be featured in the Artist Showcase Gallery on their Facebook page!  She got a $10 gift certificate for the honor.  She is going to give up physical therapy now to focus solely on her artistic career.  Honestly though, can you imagine how bad the competition must have been for her to win?  Whatever.  It made her week.

So, here's hoping that you have an Artist Showcase Gallery kind of week!  Enjoy!